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Nightclubs and Bars

Why Prevention is Needed?

In addition to providing an evening of fun and excitement, full service nightclubs and bars present complex life safety challenges. High occupancy and potentially impaired patrons, add to the fire protection and life safety challenges.  VESDA Very Early Warning Smoke and Gas detection provide early so that club management, patrons, fire professionals and first responders can react and mitigate to a potential fire before it turns into a life threatening situation.  In addition to providing the earliest warning to potential life threatening situations the detector must provide false alarm free operation in the presence of routine pyrotechnic shows and other special effects.  Protecting nightclubs and bars with VESDA early warning smoke and gas detection will not only enable the safe evacuation of the venue before a fire escalates or before other life threatening events occur....all while allowing venues to maintain their special effects at the most visually appealing levels without activating fire alarm systems.

VESDA ECO provides environmental monitoring

Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas is commonly used for special “smoke” effects, beverage carbonation, and cooling and refrigeration in these venues.  CO2 itself is both a toxic gas a simple asphyxiant that can displace oxygen in the air.   VESDA ECO adds the ability to detect gas and provide environmental monitoring in addition to providing early warning smoke detection and is easily added to the pipe network.  Because CO2 is heavier than air hazardous conditions can occur in pits, low lying areas, and in confined areas.  Adding VESDA ECO carbon dioxide and oxygen detection will ensure protection against potential CO2 hazards.

VESDA ECO has the ability to operate in:

  • Nightclubs and Bars
  • Detecting unsafe carbon dioxide or oxygen levels
  • Leaking CO2 lines and tanks
  • Accumulation of CO2 and depletion of O2 in pits, low lying areas and confined spaces
  • Works in coalition with a state of the art VESDA early warning fire detection system for full facility coverage

Download VESDA-E VEA Data Sheet VESDA-E VEA Data Sheet
Download VESDA-E VEA Product Brochure VESDA-E VEA Product Brochure
Download VESDA-E VEU Technical Data Sheet VESDA-E VEU Technical Data Sheet
Download VESDA ECO Detector TDS, English VESDA ECO Detector TDS, English
Download VESDA ECO Product Brochure VESDA ECO Product Brochure
Download VESDA-E Product Brochure VESDA-E Product Brochure

Xtralis is a leading global provider of powerful solutions for the very early & reliable detection of smoke, fire, and gas threats. Our technologies prevent disasters by giving users time to respond before life, critical infrastructure or business continuity is compromised. We protect high-value and irreplaceable assets belonging to the world’s top governments and businesses.
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