
Xtralis, Pioneer in Life Safety Solutions

Xtralis is a leading global provider of powerful solutions for the very early & reliable detection of smoke, fire, and gas threats. Our technologies prevent disasters by giving users time to respond before life, critical infrastructure or business continuity is compromised. We protect highly-valued and irreplaceable assets and infrastructure belonging to the world’s top governments and businesses.

Xtralis has been a pioneer in life safety for over 30 years. We are the world’s largest manufacturer of very early warning aspirating smoke detection (ASD) systems, including VESDA, the world's No. 1 ASD brand, and developed the industry’s first video motion detection technologies. Xtralis leads the market in very early warning fire detection.

The award-winning Xtralis portfolio includes:


Schedule a VESDA Lunch & Learn.

A VESDA Lunch and Learn presentation covers the major design aspects of a revolutionary addressable aspirating system (including relevant codes and standards), Advanced Detection products and/or their application in specific markets and case studies. We will provide tea/lunch with a technical exposé on how our very early warning detection products would provide cost savings and the earliest detection for each of your vertical markets.
