
Life Safety Solutions for Industry

Industrial sites worldwide produce goods and deliver services essential to the global economy. Protection of these sites from smoke, gas, and fire threats should be an essential function of business to ensure those goods and services can be delivered reliably. This site will provide you with a wealth of information on how and why aspirating smoke and gas detection has been successfully deployed for over 20 years in harsh and industrial environments.

Xtralis Li-ion Tamer Partners with aentron Customer Success Story
Download VESDA VLI Boiler Feed Pump Customer Success Story VESDA VLI Boiler Feed Pump Customer Success Story
Download VESDA Alliance Elastics Textile Manufacturer Customer Success Story VESDA Alliance Elastics Textile Manufacturer Customer Success Story
Download Australian Equine and Livestock Events Center Customer Success Story Australian Equine and Livestock Events Center Customer Success Story
Download Biomass Power Plant – Banham Poultry Customer Success Story Biomass Power Plant – Banham Poultry Customer Success Story
Download Conveyor Belt Protection RBCT Customer Success Story Conveyor Belt Protection RBCT Customer Success Story
Download Leading Textile Retailer Invests in VESDA Leading Textile Retailer Invests in VESDA
Download Qatar Chemical Plant Customer Success Story Qatar Chemical Plant Customer Success Story
Download Tamworth Equestrian Centre, Australia Case Study Tamworth Equestrian Centre, Australia Case Study
Download Waste Transfer Station Customer Success Story Waste Transfer Station Customer Success Story

VESDA-E VEP Aspirating Smoke Detector (Mainstream ASD)
VESDA-E VES Aspirating Smoke Detector (Sector Addressable ASD)
VESDA-E VEA Aspirating Smoke Detector - Minimum Disruption with Centralized Test and Maintenance
VESDA-E VEU Aspirating Smoke Detector (Highest Sensitivity ASD)
VESDA Laser Industrial Aspirating Smoke Detector (VLI)
VESDA LaserFocus Aspirating Smoke Detector (VLF)
VESDA Sensepoint XCL Large Bore
VESDA Sensepoint XCL - Large Bore Aspirating Gas Detector
VESDA Sensepoint XCL - Micro Bore Aspirating Gas Detector
Li-ion Tamer Rack Monitor 2.0
Li-ion Tamer GEN 2+ Lithium Ion Battery Rack Monitoring System

Request Information

Get More Information on ASD for Industrial Applications. Xtralis is committed to assisting you with the reliable protection of your business from smoke, gas, and fire threats. When you contact Xtralis, you'll be connected to a expert in your application, and there's no sales pressure, just competent assistance.
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Schedule a VESDA Lunch & Learn.

A VESDA Lunch and Learn presentation covers the major design aspects of a revolutionary addressable aspirating system (including relevant codes and standards), Advanced Detection products and/or their application in specific markets and case studies. We will provide tea/lunch with a technical exposé on how our very early warning detection products would provide cost savings and the earliest detection for each of your vertical markets.
