Explore how Aspirating Smoke & Gas Detection can better protect your Industrial Application.
Life Safety Solutions for Industry
Industrial sites worldwide produce goods and deliver services essential to the global economy. Protection of these sites from smoke, gas, and fire threats should be an essential function of business to ensure those goods and services can be delivered reliably. This site will provide you with a wealth of information on how and why aspirating smoke and gas detection has been successfully deployed for over 20 years in harsh and industrial environments.
VESDA-E VEP Aspirating Smoke Detector (Mainstream ASD)
VESDA-E VES Aspirating Smoke Detector (Sector Addressable ASD)
VESDA-E VEA Aspirating Smoke Detector - Minimum Disruption with Centralized Test and Maintenance
VESDA-E VEU Aspirating Smoke Detector (Highest Sensitivity ASD)
VESDA Laser Industrial Aspirating Smoke Detector (VLI)
VESDA LaserFocus Aspirating Smoke Detector (VLF)
VESDA Sensepoint XCL - Large Bore Aspirating Gas Detector
VESDA Sensepoint XCL - Micro Bore Aspirating Gas Detector
Li-ion Tamer GEN 2+ Lithium Ion Battery Rack Monitoring System