
Life Safety Solutions for Cultural & Heritage Sites

Cultural and heritage buildings and sites require unique fire solutions because of their design, function, and age. Managing fire risks for such sites goes beyond providing unobtrusive protection of their priceless contents or structure to protection of the staff and public who visit.

Why Xtralis Life Safety Solutions?

  • Hidden, camouflaged sampling of the environment provides virtually invisible fire detection
  • Multiple configurable alarms to trigger cultural and heritage site staff attendance and help prevent unnecessary panic among visitors – from very early warning for investigation and security management to subsequent warnings for evacuation and suppression
  • High sensitivity and vertical installation of sampling pipes provides reliable detection in large, open spaces and areas of high airflow that cause smoke dilution
  • Wide sensitivity range allows alarm thresholds to be programmed to avoid the consequences of nuisance alarms from candles, incense and theatrical smoke
  • Flexible positioning of detectors in locations that are easily accessible for testing and maintenance
  • Unique detection chamber design protects the detector optics from contamination, reducing nuisance alarms and maintaining detector sensitivity for a long operational life
  • Enhanced suppression system performance through timely notification and intelligent activation to prevent premature or unnecessary actuation and damage to priceless artifacts

Cultural and historic organizations worldwide turn to Xtralis to help them secure and protect their architecture, buildings, precious content, staff and the public. Xtralis delivers unparalleled situational awareness in the most challenging of environments – both discreetly and reliably. With Xtralis life safety solutions, threats can be detected at the earliest possible stage, providing valuable time to take action to avoid or minimize loss. 

Australian Equine and Livestock Events Center Customer Success Story
Find out why the Australian Equine and Livestock Events Centre were impressed by the VESDA VLI’s detection effectiveness.
Download Chinese Heritage Buildings Customer Success Story Chinese Heritage Buildings Customer Success Story
Download Christchurch Priory Customer Success Story Christchurch Priory Customer Success Story
Download Clinton Library Customer Success Story Clinton Library Customer Success Story
Download European Churches Customer Success Story European Churches Customer Success Story
Download Gaylord Texan Hotel and Convention Center Customer Success Story Gaylord Texan Hotel and Convention Center Customer Success Story
Download Hearst Castle Customer Success Story Hearst Castle Customer Success Story
Download Hyderabad International Convention Centre Customer Success Story Hyderabad International Convention Centre Customer Success Story
Download OSID-DE National Trust Customer Success Story OSID-DE National Trust Customer Success Story
Download VESDA Sydney Acer Arena Flyer VESDA Sydney Acer Arena Flyer
Download VESDA Sydney Exhibition Center Flyer VESDA Sydney Exhibition Center Flyer


Schedule a VESDA Lunch & Learn.

A VESDA Lunch and Learn presentation covers the major design aspects of a revolutionary addressable aspirating system (including relevant codes and standards), Advanced Detection products and/or their application in specific markets and case studies. We will provide tea/lunch with a technical exposé on how our very early warning detection products would provide cost savings and the earliest detection for each of your vertical markets.
